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AutorenbildHolger Olivier Reinbold


After many months I finally managed to grab my camera again this morning and set off for the photo location early in the morning - about 1 hour before sunrise. The night was cold and I hoped for a little ground fog in the Wahner heathland. I was not disappointed. I visibly enjoyed the morning and was able to capture some nice impressions from the heath. After sunrise it went back home to my sweetheart to have breakfast.

Heathland  Wahn | HolgerOlivier Landscape & Travel Photography
Heathland Wahn | HolgerOlivier Landscape & Travel Photography

Heathland  Wahn | HolgerOlivier Landscape & Travel Photography
Heathland Wahn | HolgerOlivier Landscape & Travel Photography

Heathland  Wahn | HolgerOlivier Landscape & Travel Photography
Heathland Wahn | HolgerOlivier Landscape & Travel Photography

Heathland  Wahn | HolgerOlivier Landscape & Travel Photography
Heathland Wahn | HolgerOlivier Landscape & Travel Photography


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