...it all started in the spring of this year. My dear friend Ernst Kren contacted me and offered me the chance to contribute to the edition of a magnificent illustrated book about the Gesäuse National Park. As a well-known Gesäuse photographer, he would absolutely like to see my pictures in this book, and I should please provide him with my best pictures by Easter at the latest. He would arrange the book by the end of the year.
In September - during a visit to Admont - I was allowed to have a first look at the illustrated book in advance before it went to print at Ernst Kren's office. To my great delight, many of my photos made it into the book! I would like to take this opportunity to thank him very much.

Now, shortly before Christmas, I have the book in my hands. The two authors Ernst Kren and Ina Geyer have done a great job! It is my very personal Christmas present. It has become a wonderful book that presents the Gesäuse National Park with its nature, wilderness, fauna and flora in all its splendor. About 30 outstanding photographers have contributed their part, some of them personal friends of mine!

I am happy for all of us about this wonderful work and can only encourage all nature lovers and friends of the Gesäuse National Park to buy this book.
It is available under the following ISBN in all known bookshops:
ISBN-10 : 3900533911
ISBN-13 : 978-3900533915
