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  • AutorenbildHolger Olivier Reinbold


Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in image processing. Today, if you are involved in photography, you can no longer avoid the topic. More and more well-known image editing programs are working with it. It has never been easier to sharpen images, remove image noise, add pixels or even replace or manipulate entire image areas.

The topic is controversially discussed in social media as well as on the web.

I have been using it in my image processing for sharpening and removing image noise from my photos.

In addition to Adobe Lightroom, I use the TOPAZ Photo AI software.

It's very impressive what AI can do here.

New start of life
New start of life

Since Christmas 2023, I have been working more intensively with AI image generators that create images based on text. Mídjourney is one of the best-known and best generators.

The results are amazing and often so realistic that you can hardly tell them apart from conventional photographs.

This opens up unimagined possibilities to create images of all kinds, you can give free space to your thoughts, dreams and feelings and create images that allow you to look deep into your soul.


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