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  • AutorenbildHolger Olivier Reinbold

November Morning

Today we went to the Gesäuse National Park after breakfast. In the early morning it had still rained but then the weather improved and the sun showed up. So I decided to make a little trip to my paradise to get to know my Nikon camera better. First stop was the river Enns bridge of Johnsbach. Here I wanted to take some long time pictures with my 10Stop-Filer from NISI. Unfortunately the filter created violet flairs on the images. The reason was probably the parallel use with the 09th GRAD filter, which I have to test again! With my Canon and Sony Cams there were no problems. Only one shot I could save in the RAW processing.

River Enns Bridge | Johnsbach | Gesäuse | HolgerOlivier Photography
River Enns Bridge | Johnsbach | Gesäuse | HolgerOlivier Photography

Afterwards I went over the Leinweg to a wonderful observation point on the tunnel bypass of the gypsy bridge. From here you have an excellent view of the river as it winds its way through the valley. The forests still show their splendid autumn dress and in the background rise the peaks of the Reichenstein mountain group.

River Enns | Gesäuse National Park | HolgerOlivier Photography
River Enns | Gesäuse National Park | HolgerOlivier Photography

The final highlight, seen from Gstatterboden, was a wonderful view of the Admonter Reichenstein mountain group, which rises majestically above the Ennstal valley.

Admonter Reichenstein Mountain Group | HolgerOlivier Photography
Admonter Reichenstein Mountain Group | HolgerOlivier Photography


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